Colina Middle School PTSA
Cougar Connection
August 22, 2018
Wednesday 8/22: First Day of School! "A" period begins at 8am and Period 1 begins at 9am
Wednesday 8/22: 8th Grade text book distribution
Thursday 8/23: 7th Grade text book distribution
Friday 8/24:
6th Grade text book distribution
Welcome Back Social (details below)
Wednesday 8/29: Picture Day
Monday 9/3: Labor Day NO SCHOOL
*Please click here for Colina Sports League Schedule*
Welcome Back Social Friday, August 24th
6th Grade Social 3:30-5:00pm
7th/8th Grade Dance 6-8pm
Admission is FREE with ASB Cougar Card and $10 without!
(Remember, you won't have your ASB card yet because picture day is next Wednesday so you'll get your ASB card after that. For the dance, if you bought an ASB Card, your name will be on a list so you won't be charged for entrance. Woo Hoo! Party!!)
Grilled Cheese Truck and Uncle Chris' Italian Ice will be available for purchase!