Here are a few upcoming events:
Yearbook Dedications- Attention all 8th grade students. If your parent would like to purchase an 8th grade dedication for the yearbook, now is the time. You can pick up a flyer with all of the information in the office, on Colina's website and the attachment on this message. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Pardini. There are only 40 spots available and these are reserved on a first come, first served basis. All dedications are due by February 16th at the latest. Don't miss out!
6th Grade Leadership Classes- Mr. Frank will be hosting leadership classes for students interested in ASB and student leadership. Students will learn different leadership types, traits and strategies in leadership as well and how ASB uses these skills in building a positive school climate. Classes will be held in the mornings from 8-845 am in the library. These classes will be on the remaining dates Thursday 2/14, and Friday 2/22.
This Week:
2/11 TOHS Counselors will be on campus during lunch and core in room 44 to speak with students interested in hearing about the offerings at TOHS.
Minimum Day- students without a period 6 will be dismissed at 11:55 am, all other students will be dismissed at 1:05 pm.2/12 PTSA Executive Board Meeting (if interested in being part of our PTSA Exec Board you are welcomed to attend) We are looking to fill a few key positions and would love to have you join our team. 9:00 am LibraryButlers Pizza Night!11 am- 9pmDine in, take out or have Butlers deliverMention COLINA or show a picture of the attached flyer on your mobile device.20% goes back to COLINA MIDDLE SCHOOL to support student activities1655 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd
2/13 GATE activity at lunch.
Counselors will be visiting 7thgrade classes to discuss and distribute information regarding next year’s course requests. Please be looking in that backpack for the preference form and review it with your child. This form needs to be returned the following day to the counselors.
2/14 Principal Coffee 9-930 am in Colina’s Library. Please join Mr. Frank with some coffee. Topic will be surrounding Colina’s restructuring proposal for the 2019-2020 school year. If you can’t make this date, Wednesday, February 20th will be an alternate date with times at 8:30 am, 9:00 am, and 6:00 pm in Colina’s Library. Please see attached information letter.
2/15 NO SCHOOL (Holiday)
2/18 NO SCHOOL (Holiday)
2/22 6th Grade Social 330-500, 7/8th Dance 600-800 “Decades” themed!
Thank you to the Boys & Girls Club for making these messages possible!