Dear Cougar Families-
Here are a few upcoming events this week :
Tuesday 2/26- Strings Concert: Giving Bach 1:30-2:20 pm in Colina’s Auditorium
Late Start Schedule Information 2/27- Please join Mr. Frank and hear about Colina’s restructuring plan for the 2019-2020 school year on Wednesday, February 27th in Colina’s Library.
Wednesday 2/27- BLOCK SCHEDULE Periods 1,3,5 All students will be dismissed at 3:10 pm. Block Schedule days support end of trimester exams and science labs.
Thursday 2/28- BLOCK SCHEDULE Periods 2,4,6 Students without a period 6 are dismissed at 1:30 pm, all other students are dismissed at 3:10pm.
Friday 3/1 End of Trimester 2, Report Cards will be hand carried home & via Q parent portal on 3/8.
TALENT SHOW- Friday 3/1 is our annual Colina’s Got Talent performances. Doors open at 6:45 pm show starts at 7:00 pm $10 at the door.
Looking Ahead
3/5- Choir Festival
3/6- Choir Festival Concert 7:00 pm Colina’s Auditorium
3/7- 8th Grade Assembly: Tobacco/Vape Prevention
3/8- Spirit Rally during school and Girls Soccer Tryouts 330-500 on the upper fields
3/11- Earthquake Preparedness Drill
3/12- Banked Time Minimum Day- Students without a period 6 will be dismissed at 11:55 am all other students will be dismissed at 1:05 pm.
3/13 Women in History presentations to social science classes and a GATE lunchtime activity in room 46
3/14 6th grade band students to Santa Susana High School Band Festival and the 8th grade will take their class panoramic picture.
3/15 7th and 8th band students will attend their Band Festival; Girls Soccer will be after school 330-500.
3/16- NPHS Jazz Band Festival