Dear Colina Families-
We will continue with Block Schedules next week to support annual state testing and end of year events. Please be sure to reference the events below to support your planning for these upcoming events.
State Testing CAASPP: Please consider the following communication regarding Colina's calendar and upcoming state testing for CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress). A formal letter is attached to this message with specific information pertaining to the assessment. Our campus utilizes block scheduling to support student success with ample testing time. For calendaring purposes, block schedule days will occur 5/6 through 5/9.
Block Schedule dates:
Monday, May 6 1,3,5
Tuesday, May 7 2,4,6
Wednesday, May 8 1,3,5
Thursday, May 9 2,4,6
Friday, May 10 Regular bell schedule
Upcoming Events:
WEEK OF 5/6-5/10
Teacher Appreciation Week 5/6-5/10
5/6 Block Schedule 1, 3, 5 All students dismissed at 3:10 pm. (CAASPP Testing)
5/7 Block Schedule 2, 4, 6 (CAASPP Testing) Students without a period 6 will be dismissed at 1:30 pm, all other students at 3:10 pm.
5/8 Block Schedule 1, 3, 5 All students dismissed at 3:10 pm. (CAASPP Testing) Gate Lunch Activity
5/9 Block Schedule 2, 4, 6 (CAASPP Testing) Students without a period 6 will be dismissed at 1:30 pm, all other students at 3:10 pm.
5/10 Regular Schedule
5/11 Westlake High School Jazz Festival
WEEK OF 5/13-5/17 5/14 Minimum Day, 5K Event, PTSA Executive Board Meeting 9:00 am Library
5/16 6th Grade Open House (for current 6th grade parents and students) 6:00 pm
WEEK OF 5/20-5/24
5/20 Block Schedule 1, 3, 5 All It Takes Assembly
5/21 Block Schedule 2, 4, 6 , Tobacco Bus of Horrors,7th Grade Awards Night 6:00 pm Gym
5/22 Regular Schedule, 8th Grade Awards Night 6:00 pm Gym
5/23 All District Band Festival @ Civic Arts Plaza
5/24 Magic Mountain Permission Slips Due
WEEK OF 5/27-5/31
5/27 NO SCHOOL Memorial Day Observed
5/28 Band Concert Finale 7:00 pm Gym, School Site Council 3:30-5:00 pm Library
5/30 Block Schedule 1, 3, 5, Choir Concert Finale 7:00 pm Auditorium
5/31 Block Schedule 2, 4, 6,
WEEK OF 6/3-6/7
6/3 Block Schedule 1,3,5
6/4 Block Schedule 2,4,6
6/5 Minimum Day, 8th Grade Magic Mountain Trip, Spirit Rally
6/6 Dave & Buster’s Promotion Breakfast (new activity in place of Promotion Dance as voted on by student body, details forthcoming), Promotion Practice and Yearbook Distribution Day
6/7 Minimum Day (LAST DAY OF SCHOOL)
Promotion Ceremony 10:15 am Lower Fields