Good Evening Colina Families-
The opening of school is always a highly anticipated day, full of excitement and some apprehension of perhaps a new campus, new classrooms, new teachers, new peers and even new lockers. There is much that goes into the opening of a school and it requires the dedication of many people to great things happen, including you as parents. Parents, thank you for your support in preparing our students for their first day of school.
Drop off- Drop Off Reminder
Schedules: Any schedules not picked up will be available in Cougar Court at 7:30 a.m. Remember that you will need your blue Emergency Authorization form signed in order to pick up a schedule. Tdap vaccination verification will be required for any students in 7th or 8th grade who have not done so yet.
Teachers are excited to meet our students, so please note that “A” period will start promptly at 8:00 am with period 1 beginning at 9:00 am. Students with a traditional 9:00 am start time can come onto campus at 8:30 am otherwise they will be directed to the Boys & Girls Club for supervision. Likewise, students who dismiss at 2:20 pm will need to be picked up by 2:45 pm or they too will be directed to the Boys & Girls Club for supervision.
Reminder, electronic devices/cellphones must be turned off during the school day as soon as students walk onto campus. Phones must be stored in a locker and may not be on their person during the school day. Students may use their cell phones at the blue benches before school and at lunch; Colina assumes no liability for lost or stolen cell phones. (Keep your locker combination secret!)
Here are a few other reminders of upcoming events:
Text Book Distribution Please be sure your student has a bag hefty enough to bring home their text books on the following days:
8th Grade- Wednesday 8/23
7th Grade- Thursday 8/24
6th Grade- Friday 8/25
Welcome Back Social and Dance:
Our Welcome Back to School Social will be this Friday 8/24 for 6th graders only from 330-500 pm. The Welcome Back to School Dance will be from 6-8 pm. Grilled Cheese Truck and Uncle Chris’ Italian Ice will be available for purchase. Admission is Free with an ASB cougar card or $10 without.
Fall Sports: Please go to our website for Tryout information
Looking Ahead
August 29, 2018 – Picture Day
September 3, 2018- Labor Day Holiday NO SCHOOL
September 13, 2018- Minimum Day, and Back to School Night 6 pm Gym
September 19, 2018 NO SCHOOL Local Holiday
September 28, 2018- School Site Council Meeting 330-500pm Colina Library