Dear Colina Parent/Guardian
Here is what is happening this week:
10/16- PTSA Student Meeting (All Students Welcomed)
Welcome to the first PTSA Student meeting of the year!
The meeting will be at lunchtime Tuesday October 16th in Mrs. Langness room 36.
The mission of the PTSA Student group is to find ways to be of service to Colina and the community.
Guest speaker: Hilary Bilbrey
”Finding Our Purpose”
Bring your lunch.
10/17- GATE Parent Meeting 6-7 pm Auditorium
Parents of GATE students, please join our gate administrators, teachers and parent reps for a informational meeting ( and some fun!) Wednesday, October 17 from 6 PM to 7 PM in Colina’ s multipurpose room.
10/19-Band Coffee Concert periods A, 1, 3
Parents please sign into the office for your visitor pass
Carnival: Parent Volunteers Needed
The Halloween Carnival is on Friday, Oct 26, please help make it a fun and successful evening for our students:
Carnival Volunteers: Work the Carnival from 6-9 p.m. Baker Volunteers: Drop off baked goods in the office by 4 p.m. Friday, October 26 Haunted House: Donate decor + bags of leaves - Drop off by Wed, 10/24 in the office Contact for questions or if you can’t sign up online:
In the Sports World : Click below for schedules and standings