Dear Colina Parent/Guardian
We had a wonderful assembly on Monday and Tuesday of this past week in our Breaking Down the Walls event. In conjunction with our amazing PTSA our students found what it takes to create a culture and climate where everyone is safe, where everyone belongs and where everyone can grow. In the end we are committed to creating a school environment that no one wants to leave; we may some work left to do, but what an amazing start and experience for our kids!
Here is what is happening this week:
Ski & Snowboard Club
Permission slips for this year's Ski & Snowboard Club trips to Mountain High are now available. Spots are filling up fast, so be sure to get yours turned in soon!
The final day to turn in permission slips for this year's Ski & Snowboard Club trips to Mountain High is Fri 11/9!
*Trip dates are 1/11, 1/25, 2/8 & 2/22
For questions, email Beth Anderson at
11/5 Emergency Preparedness Drill
11/6 Leadership Students to Annual Middle School Conference
11/6 Election day: Traffic may be more full than normal, due to poling place here at Colina
11/7 Gate Lunchtime Activity
11/8 Visit to Westlake Hills Elementary for Principal Coffee with 5th grade parents 830 am @ WLH
11/9 Westlake High School Marching Band Performance
Looking Ahead:
11/12 Veterans Day- NO SCHOOL
11/13 Minimum Day
11/14 Block Schedule Day Periods 1, 3, 5 All students dismissed at 3:10 this day
11/15 Block Schedule Day Periods 2, 4, 6 Students without a period 6 will be dismissed at 1:30 pm, all other students at 3:10
11/15 Future Cougar Night - Information for incoming 6th grade families for 19/20 school year.
11/16 End of Trimester 1
11/17 Saturday School
Thank you to the B&G Club for making these messages possible!