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Outdoor Education

Please be sure that all forms are returned for our Outdoor School trip to Camp Ramah.

The following items need to be turned in by Friday, February 28th:

Field Trip Excursion Authorization Green Medical Form – must be completed for all students even if you will not be bringing any medication with you to school.

Payment – The cost for outdoor school is $250. If you have more than one child attending, the cost for the second child is $188.

We want every student to attend and there is a payment plan for anyone interested in paying for outdoor school in three installments. Please contact the office for more information.

Outdoor Ed. Medication - If your child will be bringing any over the counter or prescription medication with them to outdoor school, you will need to have a Medication Authorization Form filled out by a doctor.

Please let your child's Science Teacher know if you have any questions or concerns. A link to all of the required forms can be found here.

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