Colina Middle School PTSA
Cougar Connection
November 27, 2018
Dear Parents and Students, On behalf of the PTSA we would like to welcome you back to school! We hope this message finds you and your family well and having enjoyed the Thanksgiving Holiday together...
In this issue:
CalendarSki and Snowboard ClubSchool CentsQuicklinks📷Calendar
11/27 School Site Council 3:30 pm- 5:00pmLibrary
12/4 Strings Winter Concert 7 pm Auditorium
12/6 Band Winter Concert 7 pm Gymnasium 12/7 Report Cards are hand carried home and viewable on Q.
12/11 Minimum Day- Students without a period 6 are dismissed at 11:55, all other students at 3:10 pm. Future Cougar Night will be held on December 11, 2018 at 6pm in our gymnasium. This is for all Future students for the fall of 2019. Parking will be available on our basketball courts.
12/12 GATE Activities B&G Club at Lunch Drama Rehearsal 330-5 pm Aud
12/13 Geography Bee 8:00 am Auditorium Drama Performance: Shrek Jr Musical
12/14 Drama Performance: Shrek Jr. Musical
12/17 Turkey Trot: “Holiday Hustle” 12:25-1:30 pm
📷Ski and Snowboard Club Registration Night 11/29
Save the Dates!
*This year's Ski & Snowboard Club will be going to Mountain High on
Jan 11th, Jan 25th, Feb 8th, and Feb 22nd with a make up day March 1st.
*A parent and student registration night will be Thursday Nov 29th.
*For questions, email Beth Anderson at banderson@conejousd.org
📷School Cents
"Make your shopping at the Oaks count." Submit any receipt online at the following website: http://www.shopandlog.com/theoaks
HOLIDAY BONUS POINTS: Learn more at ShoptheOaksMall.com/Events
📷Quick Links
Colina Website: http://www.conejousd.org/colina/Home.asp
PTSA Website: www.colinaptsa.com
Conejo Deals: Find great deals on summer camps, beauty, auto details, and more! Go to: http://www.conejodeals.com and find your deal today. Use the scroll down menu to let them know Colina Middle School sent you. A portion of your purchase will be paid to Colina Middle School PTSA.
Teen Center: Tutoring opportunities, sports events, and great summer programs are available at the Thousand Oaks Teen Center. Go to: http://www.thousandoaksteencenter.com
Boys & Girls Club: After school programs available http://www.bgcconejo.org