Colina Middle School PTSA
Cougar Connection
March 2019
In this issue:
March CalendarRestructuring for 2019-2020PTSA General MeetingGet Ahead Summer ProgramSchool CentsQuicklinks📷Calendar
3/5- Choir Festival
3/6- Choir Festival Concert 7:00 pm Colina Auditorium
3/7- 8th Grade Assembly: Tobacco/Vape Prevention presented by Dr.DeNoble http://www.victordenoble.com/Victor_DeNoble_Home_Page.html
3/8- Spirit Rally during school and Girls Soccer Tryouts 3:30-5:00 on the upper fields
3/11- Earthquake Preparedness Drill
3/12- Banked Time Minimum Day- Students without a period 6 will be dismissed at 11:55 am all other students will be dismissed at 1:05 pm.
3/13- Women in History presentations to social science classes and a GATE lunchtime activity in room 46
3/14- 8th grade class panoramic picture
Girls Soccer 3:30-5:00NPHS Jazz Band Festival
3/28- PTSA General Meeting 9am Boys and Girls Club
📷Restructuring for 2019-2020
Restructuring for Student Achievement: Weekly Late Start Schedule 2019-2020
Thank you to all the parents who attended our informational meetings and your inquiry as to the purpose for restructuring.
For more in depth information please click here Late Start Info
📷PTSA General Meeting
Please join us for our General Meeting on
Thursday, March 28th 9am
Boys and Girls Club
There will be a guest speaker from Westlake High School! Also, come and meet your new PTSA Executive Board for the 2019-2020 School Year!
📷Get Ahead This Summer!
Information about the Conejo Schools Foundation Get Ahead Summer Program is now available online and in the counseling office. Registration opens for summer programs (including Health) on Friday, March 8.
📷School Cents
There’s still time to help Colina compete and place in the
School Cents Program at the Oaks Mall!
All our winnings (Oaks Mall GC's) will be donated to
Woolsley Fire and Borderline Victims.
Earths Magnet is in 1st place, M.A.T.E.S. is in 2nd, Los Cerritos is in 3rd, and Colina is currently in 20th place! We have until April 30th to regain ground :)
Please, Please, PLEASE log your receipts or drop them in the School Cents box located on top of our volunteer desk in the Colina front office ASAP
Also, please consider helping out - we are in need of a parent volunteer to attend our last School Cents meeting at the Oaks Mall on March 7th at 10AM (approximately 1 hour). You just need to show up and collect any handouts available. Colina will be credited 5K points if we have a representative.
For more information, please contact Karin Freda: karinallen@aol.com
📷Quick Links
Colina Website: http://www.conejousd.org/colina/Home.asp
PTSA Website: www.colinaptsa.com
Conejo Deals: Find great deals on summer camps, beauty, auto details, and more! Go to: http://www.conejodeals.com and find your deal today. Use the scroll down menu to let them know Colina Middle School sent you. A portion of your purchase will be paid to Colina Middle School PTSA.
Teen Center: Tutoring opportunities, sports events, and great summer programs are available at the Thousand Oaks Teen Center. Go to: http://www.thousandoaksteencenter.com
Boys & Girls Club: After school programs available http://www.bgcconejo.org