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Sea Casa Tonight!

Here is a quick overview of today's blog:

Tonight, 11/15, is our latest Dining out Fundraiser! When you mention Colina or show this flyer, Sea Casa will generously give 40% of the cost of your order back to Colina. This includes online and take-out orders.

For the month of November's Colina Cares project, families are invited to help the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Ventura County make the holidays special for children and their families. Please see details below

We are looking for additional donations to add to our online fundraising auction! Our budget this year took a huge hit as our traditional patterns of fund raising and collecting direct donation were interrupted by the pandemic. To help alleviate this budget shortfall, we will be holding an online auction after the Thanksgiving holiday. If you would like to donate items or services, please see our donation request form. Additionally, if you know of a local business that would be able to donate, please share this letter with them!

Haven't booked your holiday photo sessions yet? Colina's got you covered, thanks to Trinity Wheeler Photography! Book your November 28 photo session with Trinity and $50 of the $200 package price comes right back to your Colina PTSA. See details below for booking information.

For those of you who love to plan ahead, you will be delighted to know that the school board has approved calendars for the next 3, yes 3, school years. More information and links to the calendars can be found here on the district website. Time to get those promotion dates on Granddad and Bubbe's busy social calendar!

Finally, Mr. Frank has been doing a great job keeping everyone updated weekly on Colina events. His latest update can be found here with information that includes after school sports, counseling updates and resources, as well as information from the various District Advisory Committees. If you have not been receiving this weekly bundle of information, please make sure your communication preferences have been updated in Q

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